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Today, my heart bloomed : Unexpected Lessons on Parenting and Stress.

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem. It is simply amazing and mind-blowing  how single unexpected experiences  can potentially transform our mindsets, if not our lives. Today, I had an experience that made me think, " if the only reason Allah made me wait to have a child was so that I could attend this class and learn what I learnt today, then I would say it was more than worth the wait, and that I am honored that He was this kind to have blessed me to this extent.  I am still in awe of Allah and How He sends us life lessons in places we least expect. Today was not unlike any other day, yet it felt unlike any other day, because Allah opened my heart to be receptive of whatever information was conveyed to me, in a way unlike any other day. For context, I am in my final year of medicine, having experienced all the highs and lows that medical students have to go through to be able to call themselves doctors. It has been a roller coaster of a journey, but today, so close to the ...

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O Dear one,

Just like him, she had gone.

He (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)