He (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)

"With the highest companions" were the words he uttered when the angel came to take his blessed soul. He wasn't just a prophet, but the best of mankind to ever live, and he had an option, to either hold on to this life, or to return to his Lord and with the highest companions. You see, he had the option to get the best of this life, but he knew that what remained with his Lord was and is greater and more enduring than whatever this life could ever offer. So he made a decision, and the best decision he did make. 

~Oh Allah send your peace, blessings and salutations upon Muhammad, and upon his household and his companions in totality. Ameen.~

How years have flown by since the earth was deprived of his beautiful soul, and just as the years flow by, so also do the bearers of his true message diminish. Now, the hearts of men have been filled with the distractions that come with this life. The hour draws near yet we have lost track of it, and we struggle so hard to hold on to this life; the very same life he readily and most willingly chose to leave. 

How is it that we let this life poison our hearts so much so that we have been blinded away from it's realities? How is it that this very same man who spent nights sleepless crying for our salvation is the very same man we forget or neglect despite claiming to love him? 

We chase this life blindly yet death chases us with full alertness, and wouldn't it be a great loss if the only time we do wake up is at the time of our deaths? 

Yet each day, our Lord gives us life and sends us reminders. Now it's left to us to either wake up or choose to remain blinded.



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