Just like him, she had gone.


She had gone too. To the very same place to which he was an old visitor. You see, in that place, the people are sincere. Known to be kind to those who are kind, and hostile to those known for hostility. In that place, all barriers of pretence are broken down so the hosts could see right through to what lies in the hearts. They had to test their visitors with basic questions, to know for sure if their words were true. 

He has been there for so long now, and I do not know how they received him, for he has no way to communicate with me. Did they treat him with utmost kindness as he was the kindest person I know, or did they find something in him that I was blinded from? I constantly try to send extra provisions to him, because you see, the Master of the hosts is so so merciful. Regardless the condition the visitor finds himself in upon arrival, the more provisions he is sent by those he left behind, the better the master commands them to treat him. So I hold on to that, and continue sending him provisions and I hope that eventually, it becomes the best place for him to rest in.


She just got there, and my heart is filled with grief. I hadn't seen her off, nor had I seen her for a while before then. Her vehicle had arrived sooner than we all expected, but it was a journey she had to take. 

Today is her 3rd day there, and by now they've probably asked her the relevant questions. I can't help but think of what condition she is in. How they are treating her. I do pray she is treated with kindness, but all I can do now is to keep sending her provisions. 


What would happen when I take that journey? In what condition would my vehicle come, and upon arrival how would I answer their barrier-breaking questions?

Oh the kind master of the host Angels, and the kind master of the inhabitants of the grave and those who are left behind, shower Your Kindness upon those whom we've lost. Bless them with bliss upon bliss and rest from the weariness of this life. Please do not take our souls except you are pleased with us and enter us into bliss upon bliss, and reunite us with You and them in goodness.

We have nothing to show but that we feel  in our hearts love for you and your message. Accept that little from us and make it flourish into something big. We trust you for your kindness and generosity, and we know you would never let us down. 


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