In your Name Oh Lord, do all things good start.
What happens when you have a journal as an intimate companion? You get a completely abandoned blog *hides face* :D

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. tonight is one of those nights in which sleep chooses to escape you and you are forced to go into reflection mode, and subhanallah! How time flies. Alhamdulillah, for it is impossible to thank Allah enough for time and all the blessings and experiences it comes with. I have approximately two journals worth of soooo much I would have wanted to share, and perhaps in shaa Allah, with time, I get to share those that are perhaps worth sharing.
Anyway, back to reflection. Subhanallah, journaling has been amongst the best things i've chosen to do for myself in life. Looking back at all i've written reminds me of how temporary the conditions in life are. Some days I forced myself to get up, face the world and hold my tears in, others days I watched as those tears rolled down my cheeks. But more days than I could ever count, I was filled with energy, and love, and infinite joy. Those days my steps had an extra bounce to them, as though with every other step I would take off to the sky. And that's the condition of life in this dunya. Some days we feel our best, while other days not so much. But as believers one thing we should have in common in all those days is gratitude. Believers are grateful in good times and grateful in the not so good times, for even in those times lie blessings beyond our comprehension, and for every bad situation is a situation that could be worse from which we were saved.
It's beautiful how each day, we feel the same as the previous, but when we look at ourselves in the long run, we realize how much we've evolved from who we used to be. I get to laugh at how childish I once was, and be impressed by adult i'm growing into. I get to reflect on things that once meant so much to me, and how time proved to me the perfection of Allah's plans. How merciful Allah is, that we loose certain things and He replaces them for us with way better than we ever thought we could get.We grow to learn that things that mean so much to us now, might be insignificant in years or even weeks to come. That those things we thought we couldn't live without.... yeah! life goes on without them, and that Allah in His infinite mercy never ever ever leaves us to face trials on our own. That He always gives us the strength to carry on, and the exact tools we need for our journey ahead. We loose loved ones, and with each passing day we learn how insignificant this life is and how important it is, that we make provisions for our hereafter.
Oh time and it's ability to unite separated souls. How can I not mention, how time has brought two souls that were destined for each other together? How can I not be grateful to the Master who blessed this soul with a companion to continue this jouney to Him? This, perhaps, has been my most important highlight of the year alhamdulillah!(Oh Allah, bless him for me and bless those who seek with righteous spouses, ameen.)
This stranger continues her journey to You Oh Lord, and she knows not when her time would end, but she asks you, that you bless her with the ability to learn from this life, to make the most of the time you've blessed her with, that you bless aaalll those who she has come in contact with in life and that most importantly You take her soul only when you are pleased with her. Ameen.
(This is my brain saying it is tired and has no idea what i'm typing)
In your Name Oh Lord, do all things good start.
What happens when you have a journal as an intimate companion? You get a completely abandoned blog *hides face* :D

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. tonight is one of those nights in which sleep chooses to escape you and you are forced to go into reflection mode, and subhanallah! How time flies. Alhamdulillah, for it is impossible to thank Allah enough for time and all the blessings and experiences it comes with. I have approximately two journals worth of soooo much I would have wanted to share, and perhaps in shaa Allah, with time, I get to share those that are perhaps worth sharing.
Anyway, back to reflection. Subhanallah, journaling has been amongst the best things i've chosen to do for myself in life. Looking back at all i've written reminds me of how temporary the conditions in life are. Some days I forced myself to get up, face the world and hold my tears in, others days I watched as those tears rolled down my cheeks. But more days than I could ever count, I was filled with energy, and love, and infinite joy. Those days my steps had an extra bounce to them, as though with every other step I would take off to the sky. And that's the condition of life in this dunya. Some days we feel our best, while other days not so much. But as believers one thing we should have in common in all those days is gratitude. Believers are grateful in good times and grateful in the not so good times, for even in those times lie blessings beyond our comprehension, and for every bad situation is a situation that could be worse from which we were saved.
It's beautiful how each day, we feel the same as the previous, but when we look at ourselves in the long run, we realize how much we've evolved from who we used to be. I get to laugh at how childish I once was, and be impressed by adult i'm growing into. I get to reflect on things that once meant so much to me, and how time proved to me the perfection of Allah's plans. How merciful Allah is, that we loose certain things and He replaces them for us with way better than we ever thought we could get.We grow to learn that things that mean so much to us now, might be insignificant in years or even weeks to come. That those things we thought we couldn't live without.... yeah! life goes on without them, and that Allah in His infinite mercy never ever ever leaves us to face trials on our own. That He always gives us the strength to carry on, and the exact tools we need for our journey ahead. We loose loved ones, and with each passing day we learn how insignificant this life is and how important it is, that we make provisions for our hereafter.
Oh time and it's ability to unite separated souls. How can I not mention, how time has brought two souls that were destined for each other together? How can I not be grateful to the Master who blessed this soul with a companion to continue this jouney to Him? This, perhaps, has been my most important highlight of the year alhamdulillah!(Oh Allah, bless him for me and bless those who seek with righteous spouses, ameen.)
This stranger continues her journey to You Oh Lord, and she knows not when her time would end, but she asks you, that you bless her with the ability to learn from this life, to make the most of the time you've blessed her with, that you bless aaalll those who she has come in contact with in life and that most importantly You take her soul only when you are pleased with her. Ameen.
(This is my brain saying it is tired and has no idea what i'm typing)
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