Would You Sit Back?
Our iman (faith) is like a firm house, it surrounds us like a shield and protects us from danger. It protects us from the traps of shaytaan. But at certain times, this house wears out, and bits and pieces of the bricks begin to fall off. Our Iman begins to weaken. we become more vulnerable.
It's very normal for a house to begin to wear out after it has aged. But the real test is: are we just going to sit back and watch as the building crumbles in on us? Are we going to sit back and watch as our Iman fades away? Are we just going to relax and leave our hearts unprotected, the evil one messing around with it?
No! We have the means, we have the tools to renovate our house. We have the key to rising back up from that deep in Iman. We have Allah, Who is ever by our sides, ready to help us up. Willing to give us strength, to increase our iman, to protect our hearts, and He has given us the tools to get all these; Du'a, supplication. All we need to do is pray to Him, to ask for His help. Admit that we are indeed weak, and strength comes from Him alone. All we need to do is ask, and He would never turn us down. He would lift us up to heights we never thought possible to reach. Our houses would be rebuilt with stronger bricks and shields harder to penetrate.
All we need to do is ask.
subhanAllaah!! may Allaah increase our imaan and keep it firm! jazakillaahu khairan! <3