You Are Beautiul Like A Rainbow


Beauty is in the way you walk,

Humbly on this road that's rough.

Beauty is in the way you smile, 
Washing away sorrow, even without a try. :)

Beauty is in the softness of your speech,

How delicately the words of Allah depart from your lips as you teach.

Beauty is in who you are,

Beauty radiating from your very soul.

This beauty of yours is a rare gem,

For it is one placed by Allah on those who turn to Him.

It is one which is too great for a mirror to reflect.

Only a masterpiece of Allah's creation, the eyes, can detect.

And only one with a heart can it affect.

But don't let your heart be too occupied by this beauty that you forget,

The One who bestowed it upon you, for that would lead to regret.

If you know you posses this beauty,

Then hold firmly to the laws of Allah with humility.

So long as you can secure the love of Allah the most High, 

Then easy would this Life be for you to pass by,

And beautiful would your final destination be, where you'll abide ❤️

~Dedicated to you ;) . I pray that Allah keeps you humble always and places you amongst the highest of companions. Ameen!


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