The Ability To Forget (7 years and counting)


I've come to realize that most times, when we think about forgetfulness, it's normal that we think if it as something negative; forgetting what we've studied, forgetting what we've memorized, forgetting that we had fixed an appointment and what not. But then, in everything that Allah sets out for us, there is always good, and most times, more good than we can even fathom. If not for forgetfulness, no mother would want to go through the pain of birth over and over again for the pain is one of the least pleasant. Yet Allah, out of His infinite mercy has caused them to forget, so they look forward to being blessed with more kids.

Out if His infinite mercy has He blessed us with the ability to forget the ills others have done.

It's been 7 years and counting, but if not because of a reminder I wouldn't have remembered. We loose our loved ones, and at that time we think we can't go on.  We break down. But as time goes by Allah helps us. He helps us to heal. He helps us to forget how extremely painful it felt living without the ones we love. How unbearable we thought the memories became. He makes what we thought unbearable bearable. And once we forget all that, the memories of our loved ones become fond memories we can even laugh about :)

It is true that time only heals wounds and that the scars are left permanently in our lives. But then, those scars are actually blessings. Those scars indicate that we survived. We survived those wounds we thought we would die from. (With the help of Allah), we were strong enough to see beyond the sadness and dive into the vast beauty beyond. Those scars are memories. Memories that become dear to us. Allah leaves us with those memories of our loved ones so that when we remember them we make du'a for them, we make du'a that Allah reunites us in Jannah out of His infinite mercy. Those memories remain also so that we take lessons from their lives and thus take heed, till the time of our departures arrive.

So the ability to forget is more of a blessing than we think it is. Alhamdulillah!!!


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