Let The Walls Erode
Dear you,
I think I see. I think I see through the walls you've built high up, For those very walls were also built by me, only perhaps with different bricks. I know how it feels to take a path downhill, for I myself have been down that path, only perhaps from a different hill. I know that that wall took a long time to build, but the time has come that you let that wall erode. What took time to build might also take time to erode, but don't let that keep you away from setting your soul free. This soul that has been trapped behind those walls is dying to be free. Free from the shackles of this world it's gotten into. This soul longs for a long lasting relationship with it's Lord, one that brings only peace despite the troubles of life.
Know that the path to freedom, the path to closeness to Allah is easy, IF AND ONLY IF, you are willing and ready to let go of your fears and take the first step. With Allah lies the solution to every single trial. You deserve to be happy, by Allah you do. And Allah doesn't put you through this to take away your happiness. He doesn't do this to make you confused. Nay, He only does this to bring you closer to Him, for only when the storm hits does man uncover all the barriers between them and Allah, and only then do we turn to Him and cry to Him, and then do we attain closeness and realize what we've been missing. You do not fall to stay at the bottom, instead you fall to rise up multiple times higher.
You see, the thing is, Allah only wants the best for you, and by Allah, He loves you way beyond your mother would ever love you. Imagine a mother's love for her child, then imagine Allah's love, multiple times greater than that. Hence, Allah knows what you are going through, and He guides you through every step of the way, even though you might think otherwise.
Believe me when I say, nothing stops you from being happy, nothing stops you from being closer to Allah except yourself. In fact nothing has the ability to. Why? How? Because your decision to be happy lies in your hands alone. When you are faced with things displeasing, it's up to you to remain happy or decide to be depressed by it. You are limited by your fears. You let your fears get the best of you, For if by any chance you think you don't deserve to be closer to Allah and you don't deserve to find inner peace because of your wrongs, then that's where you've gotten things all wrong. For Allah has said in this Hadith Qudsi :
"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."
Thing is, Allah loves you so much He wants you to turn to Him in repentance. He wants you to draw nearer to Him. He puts you through these trials to test you, to make you aware that you are weak and more in need of Allah than you can ever think. and "Truly Allah loves those who turn to Him in repentance..." (Al-Baqarah 2:222)
So don't despair of Allah's mercy and don't for once think you were created to live a life of sadness. Nay, you were created to worship Allah, to walk or run towards Him every step of the way.
I know some things might be hard to comprehend, and others might just leave us confused. And some of the things I've said might not be clear as of now, but with time, as you let go of the wall and soften the bricks so that the rain of Allah's mercy washes them away, Most things would become clearer, while others are only known by Allah who made it that way.
Till the , I urge you to let go of whatever is holding you back. You are stronger than your Nafs (self), so take the first step and Allah would make all else easier.
Through every step of your way, bear in mind though that I love you for the sake of Allah.
Your sister in Islam.
Dear you,
Know that the path to freedom, the path to closeness to Allah is easy, IF AND ONLY IF, you are willing and ready to let go of your fears and take the first step. With Allah lies the solution to every single trial. You deserve to be happy, by Allah you do. And Allah doesn't put you through this to take away your happiness. He doesn't do this to make you confused. Nay, He only does this to bring you closer to Him, for only when the storm hits does man uncover all the barriers between them and Allah, and only then do we turn to Him and cry to Him, and then do we attain closeness and realize what we've been missing. You do not fall to stay at the bottom, instead you fall to rise up multiple times higher.
You see, the thing is, Allah only wants the best for you, and by Allah, He loves you way beyond your mother would ever love you. Imagine a mother's love for her child, then imagine Allah's love, multiple times greater than that. Hence, Allah knows what you are going through, and He guides you through every step of the way, even though you might think otherwise.
Believe me when I say, nothing stops you from being happy, nothing stops you from being closer to Allah except yourself. In fact nothing has the ability to. Why? How? Because your decision to be happy lies in your hands alone. When you are faced with things displeasing, it's up to you to remain happy or decide to be depressed by it. You are limited by your fears. You let your fears get the best of you, For if by any chance you think you don't deserve to be closer to Allah and you don't deserve to find inner peace because of your wrongs, then that's where you've gotten things all wrong. For Allah has said in this Hadith Qudsi :
"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."
Thing is, Allah loves you so much He wants you to turn to Him in repentance. He wants you to draw nearer to Him. He puts you through these trials to test you, to make you aware that you are weak and more in need of Allah than you can ever think. and "Truly Allah loves those who turn to Him in repentance..." (Al-Baqarah 2:222)
So don't despair of Allah's mercy and don't for once think you were created to live a life of sadness. Nay, you were created to worship Allah, to walk or run towards Him every step of the way.
I know some things might be hard to comprehend, and others might just leave us confused. And some of the things I've said might not be clear as of now, but with time, as you let go of the wall and soften the bricks so that the rain of Allah's mercy washes them away, Most things would become clearer, while others are only known by Allah who made it that way.
Till the , I urge you to let go of whatever is holding you back. You are stronger than your Nafs (self), so take the first step and Allah would make all else easier.
Through every step of your way, bear in mind though that I love you for the sake of Allah.
Your sister in Islam.
subhanAllaah. jazakillaah khayran