Bubbling... With Randomness :P
You know those moments when u just feel so happy, u feel as if everything in your life is perfect...well not perfect but u just feel content with your life at the moment. All of a sudden any thing u look at just feel exceptionally beautiful and you just feel as if you love every one and everything around. Your heart just feels like it's floating in air. You just feel so blessed to the infinity by Allah... (well ofcourse we are all blessed. Just being alive this moment is enough blessings I tell ya :P). Anyhuu, today was one of those moments... well this evening. Maybe only critically weird people like me would understand :P
I just felt like the child in me was awoken, felt like skipping down the streets like we did while we were kids. Well I actually did X_X I know... crazy :D That's meee, alhamdulillah. Yeah but no one was watching...except mi fwend, & Allah ofcourse, and my (recording) angels. U know, people find it weird that I rather be alone than be in the midst of people, they think i'm just sad or something...hehe. But believe me, Those are one of my best moments in life. When i'm alone, Just me and my Rabb, or just walking down the streets alone, reflecting on the beauty of the environment around me, just soaking in everything I see, or just being totally lost in my thoughts, my endless thoughts. Reflecting, just reflecting. At moments like that, I find out things that I might never have thought of before, I feel so happy that I even try to force back tears of joy so that I wouldn't seem like some maniac smiling and crying in d middle of the streets...lol. Be warned... I often talk to myself. So don't get scared when u see me talking while walking ;) hehe. Don't worry, it might seem disturbing but i'm totally fine :P I knooowwww i'm not alone. There is someone out there that is.. well almost as weird as I am :P They'r just shy of saying it ;)
Oh well, my point is, just try taking a few minutes out of your lives each day and just reflect upon your lives. Believe me you would realize how merciful Allah is and how much He loves you so. Just look around you, look at the beauty around you, be it the trees, the people, the animals, the sky, anything around you that captures u'r attention. All those are part of the mercies of Allah. Subhanallah even u'r gift of sight. Mahn...and we still forget to thank Allah, to say alhamdulillah :( May Allah forgive us all. Despite our ingratitude Allah still shows us mercy, He still shows us love. How on earth can u not love Allah? :D Reallyyy!!! Alhamdulillah infinity for islam. I don't even want to imagine how I would have been if Allah hadn't guided me to Islam.
O yeah, and for once, just try to forget all the troubles in your life, all the trials you are facing, all the pains you are going through, and imagine the amount of blessings, rewards you would get in the next life if you keep calm and try to be steadfast (tho unimaginable ♥_♥) It aint easy, we all go through them, just remember that Allah tests those whom He loves so that He may guide them back to Him or to forgive them. Remember that Allah loves you no matter what and keep smiling :D
PS: The moon looks sooo exceptionally bright and beautiful today. For some reason I felt as if it was as happy as I was/am. I felt it was smiling down at us. I know... typical me :P
Ya Allah we love You so, and we ask You, we beg You to guide us towards the acts that are most pleasing to You, O Most Merciful, and We beg You to make us among those who would benefit from this dunya, By Your grace, Ya arhamar-Rahimeen
I just felt like the child in me was awoken, felt like skipping down the streets like we did while we were kids. Well I actually did X_X I know... crazy :D That's meee, alhamdulillah. Yeah but no one was watching...except mi fwend, & Allah ofcourse, and my (recording) angels. U know, people find it weird that I rather be alone than be in the midst of people, they think i'm just sad or something...hehe. But believe me, Those are one of my best moments in life. When i'm alone, Just me and my Rabb, or just walking down the streets alone, reflecting on the beauty of the environment around me, just soaking in everything I see, or just being totally lost in my thoughts, my endless thoughts. Reflecting, just reflecting. At moments like that, I find out things that I might never have thought of before, I feel so happy that I even try to force back tears of joy so that I wouldn't seem like some maniac smiling and crying in d middle of the streets...lol. Be warned... I often talk to myself. So don't get scared when u see me talking while walking ;) hehe. Don't worry, it might seem disturbing but i'm totally fine :P I knooowwww i'm not alone. There is someone out there that is.. well almost as weird as I am :P They'r just shy of saying it ;)
Oh well, my point is, just try taking a few minutes out of your lives each day and just reflect upon your lives. Believe me you would realize how merciful Allah is and how much He loves you so. Just look around you, look at the beauty around you, be it the trees, the people, the animals, the sky, anything around you that captures u'r attention. All those are part of the mercies of Allah. Subhanallah even u'r gift of sight. Mahn...and we still forget to thank Allah, to say alhamdulillah :( May Allah forgive us all. Despite our ingratitude Allah still shows us mercy, He still shows us love. How on earth can u not love Allah? :D Reallyyy!!! Alhamdulillah infinity for islam. I don't even want to imagine how I would have been if Allah hadn't guided me to Islam.
O yeah, and for once, just try to forget all the troubles in your life, all the trials you are facing, all the pains you are going through, and imagine the amount of blessings, rewards you would get in the next life if you keep calm and try to be steadfast (tho unimaginable ♥_♥) It aint easy, we all go through them, just remember that Allah tests those whom He loves so that He may guide them back to Him or to forgive them. Remember that Allah loves you no matter what and keep smiling :D
PS: The moon looks sooo exceptionally bright and beautiful today. For some reason I felt as if it was as happy as I was/am. I felt it was smiling down at us. I know... typical me :P
Ya Allah we love You so, and we ask You, we beg You to guide us towards the acts that are most pleasing to You, O Most Merciful, and We beg You to make us among those who would benefit from this dunya, By Your grace, Ya arhamar-Rahimeen
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