Abu-Bakr (R.A) (What True Love Really Means)

Subhanallah!!! We all claim  that we love Allah and his messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). But yet we do things that that are against islam. Yet we disobey Rasulullah (S.a.w), we disobey the most  beloved to Allah... Astaghfirullah! We claim we love him more than we love ourselves but yet we can't sacrifice our own desires to do what he told us to to, and to avoid what he warned us not to do... Subhanallah :'( When you love someone truly, you would be willing to do anything for that person, even if it means sacrificing what we want for ourselves. YES!!! We show that to people, people we don't even love more than ourselves. But yet, we find it hard to sacrifice our desires for his love. For Allah's sake. This was a man that spent all his nights crying, praying to Allah, "ummati ummati", my Ummah, my Ummah... worrying about what would become of us and what would happen to us when we face Allah the most high. This was how much he loved us and more. Subhanallah! This video should be a reminder for all of us. We shouldn't just say we love Allah and His messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa sallam), we should show it in our actions 'cos true love isn't shown by words but by actions. Let us make taubah, let us repent before the day when repentance would no longer be accepted. Let us not be among thos who would have much regret on that day, the time when there would be no turning back.

May Allah make us all among those who would benefit from this video and make use of it, By His mercy, for He is the most compassionate, the most merciful. May He forgive us all our short-comings and our sins, those known to us and those unknown to us, for He is the most forgiving the most merciful. And may he make us all among the dwellers of Jannatul ma'wa, for He is the most kind, the fulfiller


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