Mama, Ummi, Mother ♥


I vision the movement of my pen, each stroke writing an extensive story about you, yet those words remain as a vision, for no words are sufficient to describe noun "you".

I sit and reflect on your life, it's ups and it's downs, your sacrifices, and your never ending love for us and for those around you, and my heart melts to bits each time, with infinite love for you. 

I look at my reflection, your features do I see, and I imagine the pain you went through, bringing me to this world, raising me ever so cautiously, each time fearing that something might happen to me. 

I look at who I am today & I reflect on who I was yesterday, and I realize that all these would never have been possible without you in my life and without your never ending guidance.

I remember the many times, despite your great struggle and patience, that I misbehaved towards you, and I got extremely upset for no reason, and a great amount of shame covers me up. 

But then, for everytime I misbehaved, I learnt a great lesson from you, and I grew to love you even more. Yet, despite all that I have done. You never stopped loving me a single bit.

I look up to you, and I see the great steps  you have taken, and the obstacles you have stepped over. I see the milestones you have overcome, and this, oh this makes me love and respect you even more.

When asked, I say I have never seen a woman as strong as you, and I pray to be just as strong someday.

"Our great lioness", as you are often called. But I believe a lioness wouldn't have the patience that you do.

No matter how hard I try, my pen fails to describe how much you mean to me. The lessons from life I have learnt from you. The immense love I hold in my heart for you. 

It is impossible to describe a lifetime of care, so my words would never do justice no matter how hard I try.

So since, only my Lord knows what lies truly in my heart, to Him I would turn, making immense du'a for you. 

O Allah, forgive my parents an have mercy on them, just as they took care of me in my infancy.

O Allah, let whatever I've done that has pleased you, rain down like blessings and mercy on them 


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