Where Is The Spark?


Something is missing...And I know just what it is. But what to do, only in Allah's hands it lies. In me, there is nothing, not even a glimpse of light. & I don't know what went wrong. Perhaps that's how it's meant to be. Perhaps it's destiny? This heart sings a different song. Different from what the listeners hear. This heart is afraid to say no, for fear of hurting one's feelings. This heart feels it knows what it wants... Or does it???

There is light & there is dark, There are ups & there are downs, there are highs & there are lows, but this heart has chosen to stop worrying and leave everything to the 'One' who knows, to keep smiling & remain happy always :D

Ps: I think I found the inner peace I always searched for... Alhamdulillah big time 


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