It's A Journey
It was a journey,
From the instability of the heart to it's stability, by making it's Lord the roots which holds it firmly.
From insecurity, to the security from finally understanding that Allah, The Lord of the worlds, the most bountiful is the One who looks after every soul.
From the struggle of self acceptance in this dunya (world) to self contentment in the fact that only Allah's acceptance do we have to earnestly work for and that no one is better than the other except those with more piety.
This life is a journey. Not only in the physical sense but also the spiritual sense. With our selves, with our souls. Each moment brings with it options of either self improvement or self depreciation. It all depends on how we take in the situations we are faced with. It's time we made up our mind to see the best in every situation that comes our way. Perhaps Allah has something better kept safely for us. Keep up the positivity. It'll see you a long way through this journey called life.
I pray that we find contentment in seeking our Lord alone and our heart finds the peace it's been searching for...Which ofcourse lies only with The Lord of the worlds. So seek Allah & find peace.
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